Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dr. Oz's Green Drink

I just have to say that you have to be pretty used to green smoothies in order to get this down.  However, after drinking a glass tonight, I would say it is an almost immediate headache killer, and I feel infused with micronutrients.  Warning: This is powerful stuff.

2 cups spinach
2 cored apples (leave the skins on)
1 medium cucumber (chopped)
3 ribs of celery chopped
1/2 inch ginger root, chopped and peeled
1 bunch of parsley
juice of 1 lime or 5-6 drops of lime oil and add water
juice of 1/2 lemon or 3-4 drops of lemon oil and add water

I had to add some water because it was just so dense with greens.  If you can't handle the flavor, try adding in a banana or other fruit until you can.  If you don't have a Vitamix, chop everything well. 

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